Institute of Communication and Computer Systems/National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA - Greece)

logo iccslogo NTUAThe Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is associated with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). ICCS/NTUA will participate in HAMLET with the Photonics Communications Research Laboratory (PCRL), which was founded in 1995 as a research group of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. Its research activities focus on the design and implementation of photonic devices and systems for optical communication systems and datacom applications, including innovative solutions for high-capacity, flexible optical transmission networks and systems with advanced modulation formats, all-optical signal processing systems/subsystems, multi-wavelength sources for wavelength division multiplexing systems, and novel optical network architectures for datacentres.

Role in HAMLET

ICCS coordinates HAMLET and is responsible for the development of the DSP tools for the optical fronthaul transceiver, and the wireless part of the system. ICCS/NTUA will also contribute to the experimental characterization activities of the polymer photonic circuits and the TriPleX beam forming network circuit, as well as the development of FPGA based transponders, the BFN control unit and the laboratory evaluation of the MWP system

Contact: Hercules Avramopoulos, Christos Tsokos, , Panos Groumas, Christos Kouloumentas 

LioniX International B.V. (The Netherlands)

  LioniX Int Logo resizedLioniX International is a leading provider in development and small to high volume production of leveraging and innovative products based on micro/nano system technology (MNT) and MEMS. The company's core technologies are integrated optics and microfluidics, with customers operating in telecom, industrial process control, life sciences, space markets, and include OEM's, multinationals, VC start-up companies as well as research institutions from around the world. LioniX International has its own clean-room facilities with equipment for the proprietary technology and dedicated test/analysis equipment for integrated optics and micro-fluidic devices. More specifically the company supplies modules enabled by Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) based on its proprietary waveguide technology (TriPleX™). Lionix International was the result of the merge of the former LioniX B.V and SATRAX B.V.. Both companies initially particiapted in HAMLET as separate partners. SATRAX carried both in LioniX International and HAMLET project leading expertise on integrated microwave photonic beamforming networks for antenna systems using the benefits of TriPleX™ waveguide technology to satisfy the growing need for bandwidth and capacity in telecommunications. The proprietary beamforming technology of LioniX International is based on integrated optics and replaces the electronic-based technology for the key element of phased array antennas. This expertise gives the company the opportunity to provide photonics based modules to OEMs in a suite of applications, including broadband integrated optical beamforming modules for flat tunable directional antennas, in particular Ku or Ka-band SatCom and next generation 5G base stations.

 Role in HAMLET

LioniX International was responsible for managing innovation activities, by continuously monitoring and identifying developments in targeted markets and re-aligning the project objectives according to market needs. LioniX International, with the contribution of SolMateS, focused on the development of a heterogeneous integration process for the PZT layers on TriPleX and optimize the phase shifter design. In addition, LioniX Int. designed, fabricated and characterized the OBFN circuits for the 2D and 3D integration engines, and also contributed to the development of the hybrid polymer-TriPleX integration process. After the merge of LioniX B.V with SATRAX, the company took over the task to project's task to identify the requirements of 5G networks, define specifications for the wireless part, investigate the RF performance of photonic steerable beamformers and the requirements for on chip signal processing, and translate these into component specifications and specifications for the MWP system in package. Moreover it defined the methodology for the performance evaluation of the system, developed suitable beamforming topologies and antenna architectures for array processing (for single and multiple beams), simulated their performance, and worked on the development of the Beam Forming Network (BFN) control unit and the experimental testbeds. Finally, LioniX Internatioal led the standardization activities and management of IPR of HAMLET Project and contributed in the definition of a high-volume production methodology.

Contact: Arne Leinse, Rene Heideman, Chris Roeloffzen, Paul van Dijk

Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Institute (Germany)

logo hhiFhG-HHI is one of the leading laboratories worldwide with emphasis on InP-based discrete and PIC devices as well as polymer-based PLCs and optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEIC). In its Photonics Components (PC) department, HHI has successfully developed a wide range of photonic devices, in many cases in close cooperation with domestic and foreign SMEs. HHI's extensive expertise in photonic components has resulted in Polyboard™, a powerful polymer based photonic platform with an extensive toolbox, covering the needs of modern photonic telecom and datacom systems.

Role in HAMLET

FhG-HHI is the polymer platform technology provider in HAMLET and is responsible for the development of the heterogeneous graphene/polymer integration methodology, as well as the design, fabrication and characterization of the high-bandwidth graphene-based electro-absorption modulators (GP-EAMs). FhG-HHI will also design and fabricate polymer circuits with spotsize converters for the 2D hybrid integration with TriPleX chips and develop the 3D intefarion engine, in collarboration with LioniX and LINKRA, following two optimization paths for fabricating polymer chips on top of TriPleX ones, using the top Si2O cladding of TriPleX as substrate.

Contact: Moritz Kleinert, Norbert Keil

SolMateS B.V. (The Netherlands)

logo solmatesSolMateS BV was founded in 2006, as a spin-off of the Inorganic Materials Science group at the University of Twente. SolMateS provides innovative solutions for the movement or sensing on a chip with piezoelectric thin films. Besides the developed unique deposition hardware and piezo recipes, it has expertise in buffer layers, different types of electrode materials and structuring characterization of the deposited layers. SolMateS launched its PLD platform in the fast-growing piezo-MEMS market for the use of piezoelctric thin film manufacturing. SolMateS has his own RD lab for PLD based depositions, and basic thin film analytical equipment.

 Role in HAMLET

SolMateS is responsible for developing the process for the deposition of the PZT layers and its integration on Triplex for realizing the stress-based phase shifters. Additionally, it contributes in the design and fabrication of the 2D integration compatible OBFN chips. This will involve the building of the PLD test reactor for the deposition of thin films on wafers, the process development of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin film integration (including their electrodes) on Triplex platform, the optimization of deposition conditions to reduce thermal budget and maximize the strain induced by PZT on the waveguide. It will also undertake the characterization of the thin films.

Contact: Matthijn Dekkers

CORDON Electronics Italia SrL (Italy)

Cordon LogoCordon Electronics Italia – Microtech Division is a business unit of Cordon Group, employing roughly 300 people. CORDON Microtech operates in the fields of RF and Microwave Photonics modules both as a contract manufacturer as well as offering its own design and manufacturing capabilities for third party product development for Test and Measurements, Defence and Telecommunication markets. CORDON Microtech offers R&D design capability and complete technical support to develop prototypes and quickly convert them into a fully automated production line, providing robust and reliable products and shortening time to market. With over 15 years of experience in hybrid modules technology, the R&D, engineering, and production teams of Cordon covers a very wide range of demands in packaging solutions for microwave hybrids and optical components/modules. Technical core competences are available for the design of high capacity transceivers for optical fiber systems, high frequency front-end modules for Microwave Photonics systems (up to millimetre waves) and Radio Link for E-band systems. Cordon has capabilities in the following fields: 1) R&D (analysis and evaluation of new technologies, schematic design and layout generations, HF frequency and thermal simulation, ray tracing simulation for micro-optical bench, firmware development, prototype construction and testing), 2) Industrial Engineering (assembly processes and packaging for E-band SiP, optical alignment and wide-bandwidth/high-speed testing). Cordon Electronics Italia is a company ISO 9001 certified..

Role in HAMLET

In HAMLET project, CORDON was responsible for the development of the hybrid integration engine. More specifically, CORDON developed a 2D integration methodology for coupling the very large number of waveguides crossing the two platforms, as well as integrating the InP active elements on the polymer platform. Finally, it developed the methodology for the integration and packaging of the SiP hybrid transceiver module.

Contact: Antonello Vannucci, Andrea Annoni