HAMLET Public Deliverables

1. Project Final Report (D1.5)

2.Definition of reference application, system design, and initial set of system specs of HAMLET modules and components (D2.1): The specific deliverable reports on the definition of reference application, system design and initial set of system specifications of HAMLET modules and components.

3. Updated set of system level specifications and simulation results (D2.4): The specific deliverable presents is an updated version of the public deliverable D2.1, describing an updated set of system level simulation results regarding the expected performance of HAMLET modules in the digital and analog optical links. It also provides a module fabrication time-plan and summarizes the plans for the preparation and testing of HAMLET modules.

4. Announcement of HAMLET (Preparation of fact-sheet, presentation and press-release) (D7.1): The document reports on the preparation of basic material for the announcement of HAMLET project through the official tools of the European Commission (EC) and through the dissemination channels of the consortium partners.

5. Website availability and set up of social media accounts (D7.2): The document reports on the design, development and launch of the official HAMLET project website.

6. Promotion video availability (D7.4): The document reports on the preparation and the availability of HAMLET promotional video.